ESIRE Legionella Risk Assesment

ESI Services



Why it’s needed

The HPSC National Guidelines for the Control of Legionellosis in Ireland, 2009 Chapter 7 outlines the importance of training:

“Without adequate knowledge on the part of all stakeholders, prevention and management of legionellosis is simply not possible, hence the provision of training and/or raising of awareness for all concerned must form a key component of legionellosis risk management”

Training is as fundamental to legionella control as risk assessments are, logbooks and a management structure. Inadequate management, poor communication and lack of training have all been contributory factors in outbreaks of Legionnaires’ Disease.

Environmental Services Ireland-Legionella Risk Assessment

Why choose us?

Our training courses range from basic Legionella Awareness Training to IOSH accredited training for the Duty Holder & Responsible Person.

Bespoke training courses are also available on request and can include:

  • Flushing: Principals and practice
  • Monitoring: Procedures and documentation
  • Maintenance: Legionella control related maintenance

On-site training is an option for employers whereby staff can be trained and practical demonstrations can be carried out in a familiar environment which can maximise and put in context the training received.