ESIRE Legionella Risk Assesment

ESI Services



What we do

Environmental Services Ireland (ESI) provide a service of cleaning and disinfection for cold water storage tanks and hot and cold water systems and our experienced team is trusted by many companies across a variety of industry sectors such as FM companies, pharmaceutical, commercial and health services.

All disinfection works are carried out in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Irish Health Protection Surveillance Centre document, National Guidelines for the Control of Legionellosis in Ireland, 2009 and the UK HSC Approved Code of Practice and Guidance ‘The control of Legionella bacteria in water systems’ (ACoP L8).

Why it’s needed (Benefits)

Water systems are integral to many industrial processes and are a necessary requirement in nearly all domestic and commercial environments. Efficient operation of these systems is essential to minimising running costs and maintaining production. Of equal importance are safety and hygiene considerations, particularly with regard to the control of Legionella bacteria. Neglected water tanks are potentially high-risk areas for the proliferation of potentially pathogenic bacteria, as they can thrive in dirty or stagnant conditions.